Csp-S 第二轮 SC-S00698 游记


2024-10-27 21:41:28

Life & Travel

Csp-S 第二轮 SC-S00698 游记 2024.10.26 14:30~18:30 in 309 靠窗倒4

Day -7 Sat

教室里面实在是坐不住啊,白天听课也是混时间, \color{white}这里是哪个SB物理老师不说 。想着还有一周就Csp-S第二轮,同家长协商后 就找Lhy班主任申请了停课一周,来备考这个。

但是事实证明这一周仍旧存在一部分时间在摆烂。:“想你这样的xio生,我估计全年级都找不出第二 过”,已经无路可退,又要“鱼与熊掌兼得”,“你”更要付出双倍的努力。

Day -1 Thu


T1:以为是 Kruskal重构树 ,但是当我调完单个的码之后,意外发现这个东西好像不能维护2的因子和3的因子同时满足的情况,gg





Day 0 Fri

前去309,因为“李代军”要配置405环境(405竟也是考场!),去那边刷 Luogu【模板】 的题单,过一遍。中午看他们打 generals.io ,看“z恩x”看 蛊真人 。下午就去当“苦力”,检查对应305(胡耀文)的机房环境去了。我只挂了个图的遍历,然后再新建一个 .cpp 一直运行这个exe,输出差值时间嘿嘿,可见Hydro文件。下午放学之后,“本” 打算晚上回去复习 Tarjan ,回去就 刷洛谷讨论,搞高考报名(但是因22:12过了22点,只能第二天早上9点搞...),刷b站,看孤注一掷,最后挂“鹿之之”睡觉,此时10.26 01:~~

Day 1 Sat

9点起来,8个小时,没有平日再学校里7个小时的(昏沉 --> 逐渐清醒)的渐醒感,只觉得身体不累,精力也不充沛,或说是“不困”。看磁盘里面ydy0d的小h说,高考报名信息填写...。并且 oad x 1,hhhh。(每次大考前都这么来,太棒了......),看洛谷讨论。

11:30 出家,拿出手机,骑自行车。规划的是12:30+到学校吃完中午饭,然后再在学校的寝室睡一觉,下午直接去信息楼考试,太棒了。但是因为“昨晚”睡的太够,早上也“没怎么”进行“浪费精力”的活动,所以就相当于再寝室里躺了40min(13:1+ ~ 13:45 ~ 13:50);起床!!,Csp-S,伴着 酷狗概念版的《平凡之路》,启动!!

但是没看 Tarjan,很慌,开考前30min~20min还在对着《算法竞赛》抢救。


T1:貌似按照升序打更优,1e5的1e5?是不是跟次数有关系?还得离散化?有点麻烦......。我右边那哥们儿“魏宇航”直接开始看T2了。我:??。再想想,好像用2个栈就可以了,一个存攻击的栈,一个存 是否存货 的栈;过掉所有大样例,想要不要对拍。但是因为想不到对拍的暴力跟正解有什么区别,过掉大样例就走了qwq


1 2 3 1 2
: 2

136 136 136 2417 136 136 2417 136 136 136
: 8

4 big samples accepted.
2024.10.26 14:50 submit now


T2:第一眼:woc,加速度!?哈哈哈,对我一个 Senior3 这不是,超大优势哈哈哈哈哈。读完题emmm,细节有点多,有点答辩。第一问还好:

\begin{cases} false \quad pos[m]<car[i].d\\ \begin{cases} pos[m] \quad car[i].a \ge0\\ Pos_{nearest} \quad car[i].a<0 \end{cases} \end{cases}

第二问想了会儿,发现是 最少数量的点 去 覆盖所有区间,这不是《算法竞赛》上的 “贪心:决策包容性” 吗?然后1h边调边写,然而后1.5+h,全在调 #Sample5 的 倒1 和 倒3 两个测试点……



14:53 see the timian, bengbuzhule :) .... smile
15:00 emm, feel not well to solve. Fir to write the in and out though.
15:03 To the first prob:
    if car[i].a >= 0, goto the last checkin.
    else find the first check on his right, to check the V
15:22 I can avoid double right? Only need to  "Times Vm" on the Right
    emmm , need to judge the zero, that's right......
15:26 sample3, problem1 is failed...
15:47 WSSB!!! pos[m] write --> pos[n]
15:52 Done fir prob, judge the relation of distance
15:55 Think of prob two:
    if car[i].a > 0, we only need to "baoliu" the last checker, because it is enough
    How about the car[i].a < 0? bitset --> Size.O(nm) ?  To "zhipei" the needed checker?
16:05 if a < 0, the useful checker is in a length, so in every car (which will be checked) has an L and R;
    then the problem2 has changed to a "Tanxin" to choose. Done
16:29 Prob2 is finish write, but failed on sample2.
16:32 once a test, find that: Samp2 T tests' answers #5 is diff to Samp2 1test --> more tests problem
    up to now, it has 2 hours still.
16:36 Line 105 for(cnt --> n), done samp2, 
16:39 Done samp3, samp4, but samp5 WA 2 ??????????????? What the ****???
    I had stay here for nearly two hours!!!!
16:53 isn't the "More Tests"'s wrong, What can I do now??
16:57 Why I cal more 1 or 2?????????????????????????? Answer1 is right! Why ans2 wrong?
17:10 Line86, I thought is RE to WA, but not...  T_T    if a==0, it won't get in "else"
17:27 only 1hours, still here, ans2 bigger --> a[i].l bigger
17:33 toilet back
17:39 What the use of "L"? Only pos[m] is useful?
17:44 or a[i].r smaller
17:49 What can I say?? Man!!! GO!!



最后40min把T3,和T4的题面理解了一遍,果断去敲 T3 的暴力。


17:53 came in
18:03 had checked Prob1 and Prob2 in Linux
18:04 read "Ti Mian", began to write "Bao Li"
18:18 the bro on my right and left , left : draw picture circle, right : began to use the "Edge shoushi" draw
    I am SC-S0698
18:20 Bao Li Done;
18:22 Submited

~~TMD为什么 T2 #Sample5 会挂掉2个样例啊!一个大了1,一个大了2~~ ~~话说#5全是 car[i].a <= 0 的点~~ 回家测评民间数据,洛谷上给的是:$100+80+20+0=200$ ,**祈求 T2 莫要挂分![0080EDFB](C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\SGPicFaceTpBq\14196\0080EDFB.png)** 看《孤注一掷》到22:30+;讨论明晚回哪儿,00:30 Sleep ### Day 1+1 Sun 8:20~ get up,上午+下午各一次,666。 刷洛谷讨论,刷b站,启动 Hycraft + 花雨庭,路上hhh “吵” 一路;就为了今晚回哪儿。 到学校前的立交桥下等红绿灯,决定回机房,并且停到11.30.yeah,hhhhh,也就开头比较难点hhhhhh 17:58 到南门,让母给lhy发完微信,我写条子,给签字、并拍照传图。m在山西五台山。 back, write down this article, for a review. 2024.10.27 Sun 21:37 end in 405 ## ✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿ 2024/11/4 Mon update: 下午 $17:30$ 出分:$100+80+20+0=200$ ,四川省一等应该没问题了。 By Why:雷航330+,周汇森290+