

2018-08-08 21:45:06

K12 Study

广告:如果你想翻译题目,但又担心自己的译文不大靠谱,欢迎加群,群号=67×1993×5351。我现在邀请了几位英语、日语、韩语、俄语大佬来有组织地翻译题目。您只需满足条件,并且会 Markdown 即可。


0 前置技能


1 基本操作

  1. 名词翻译统一。例如 pie,要不就全部翻译成「馅饼」,要不就全部翻译成「派」。
  2. 后置定语很多/很长时,不要把后置定语全部拉到前面,否则可能会出现「XXX 的 YYY 的 ZZZ 的 WWW」这种佶屈聱牙的鬼东西。
  3. 把原文丢进机翻时,注意调整双/三倍快乐公式。错误示范:https://www.luogu.org/discuss/show?postid=55577
  4. 对于有些被动句,建议将其改写成祈使句,或是补充主语改写成主动句。如:「一个网格已被通过以下规则构造」→「我们将通过下述规则构造一个网格」。

2 常见错译 & 纠正


四次方程 Quadtic Formula
二次方程 Quadratic Formula
满二叉树 Full Binary Tree
完全二叉树 Complete Binary Tree
完美二叉树 Perfect Binary Tree
平衡二叉树 Balanced Binary Tree

英语里的 Full/Complete/Perfect Binary Tree 是比较统一的,但是英译汉的争论由来已久,最常见的是 Full Binary Tree 被吃了,Perfect Binary Tree 译为满二叉树;有些地方则是 Perfect Binary Tree 译为完全二叉树,Complete Binary Tree 译为满二叉树,并且好像两种译法都不在少数。除此之外,平衡二叉树与 AVL 树也在很多人甚至很多书里混为一谈。


  1. 满二叉树 (Full Binary Tree)
    要么是叶子结点(结点的度为 0),要么结点同时具有左右子树(结点的度为 2)。

  2. 完全二叉树 (Complete Binary Tree)

  3. 完美二叉树 (Perfect Binary Tree)

  4. 平衡二叉树 (Balanced Binary Tree)

  5. AVL树 (AVL Tree)
    它是一棵平衡二叉搜索树,且它的左右两个子树的高度差不超过 1,并且左右两个子树都是一棵 AVL 树。

N 个结点……

She has N vertices, numbered from 1 to N.

你谷小学生的翻译:她有 NNN 个结点,从 111 到 NNN 编号。
错译/机翻:她有 N 个结点,从 1N 编号。
错译:她有 N 个从 1N 编号的结点。
偷工减料的正确译文:有 N 个结点,将其编为 1\dots N 号。
正确译文:她有 N 个结点,结点编号分别为 1\dots N

错译的错误在于「从 1N 编号」。这是受到 from...to 的影响。另外,当「编」作动词时,只有一种用法,就是「编为 XXX 号」(正确译文 1)。要不就把「编号」作名词用(正确译文 2)。我习惯于翻译为正确译文 2 的形式。

根据 LibreOJ 用户群的投票结果,「她有编号为 1\dots NN 个结点」相对来说最通顺。当然,这句话一般不影响正确理解题目,即使你的翻译不太顺,也不是什么大问题。

多说两句。在原文中,有时「numbered from」前面可能会有定语,例如从左到右、从上到下、顺时针和逆时针。此时就不应该翻译为「分别编号」,而是「依次编号」。


Source: JOISC 2017 Day1 T1
The new planet has a field, which is a rectangular grid with R rows and C columns. The columns are parallel to the south-north direction, and the rows are parallel to the east-west direction. The cell in the i-th row from north and the j-th column from west is called the cell (i, j). The north-west corner of the field is the cell (1, 1), and the south-east corner is the cell (R,C)...In the spring of the first year, N cells in the field have grasses.

人脑优化机翻:新行星有一片田野,这是一个 RC 列的矩形网格。列平行于南北方向,行平行于东西方向。我们将自北向南第 i 行和自西向东第 j 列的单元格定义为 (i,j)。田野的西北角是单元格 (1,1),东南角是单元格 (R,C)……在第一年的春天,N 个单元格里有草。


UOJ 究极意会+魔改版翻译:小 M 有一个 R×C 的农场。每年开春的时候,小 M 会在农场的 n 个位置撒种。

本人拙译:有个网格有 R 行,每行 C 个单元格,所有单元格大小相同。用 (1,1) 表示网格一角的单元格,(R,C) 表示对角的单元格。开始时 N 块单元格内有野草。(您看得不顺眼的话,网格→田野,单元格→田地)


  1. 翻译成「二维数组」是首选(如果可以)
  2. 否则:cell -> 单元格/街区/田地/格子,grid -> 网格/地图/田野/棋盘
  3. 无论是「网格由 RC 列的单元格组成」,还是「R×C 的网格」,抑或是「一个 RC 列的网格」,读起来总是有点别扭。
  4. 唯一一个还不错的译法是「网格有 R 行,每行 C 个单元格」。
  5. 如果题目涉及东南西北,能用「上下左右」代替「东南西北」就尽量用「上下左右」,否则还是全文翻译好点。

物体在网格格点上 & 物体在网格线上运动

Source: JOISC 2017 Day4 T1
The urban area is a city of rectangular grid with H streets running in the east-west direction and W streets running in the south-north direction. The distance between two adjacent crossings is 1 kilometer...

完整翻译:某地的道路网是一个由 H 条东西向道路与 W 条南北向道路构成的网格,相邻的两条平行道路之间的距离为 1 \:\textrm{km},东西向道路从北到南依次编号为 1\ldots H ,南北向道路从西到东依次编号为 1\ldots W 。东西向道路和南北向道路相交形成路口,规定 S_k 号南北向街道和 T_k 号东西向街道形成的路口的坐标是 (S_k, T_k)

简便译法:有 H 条横线和 W 条竖线,每条横线与每条竖线都有一个交点。横线依次编号为 1\dots H,竖线依次编号为 1\dots W(S_k, T_k) 代表 S_k 号横线与 T_k 号竖线的交点。


  1. 这种模型在国外多用东西向道路和南北向道路表示,不如翻译成横线和竖线。
  2. 但请注意严谨性。

3 本人遇到过的逗比翻译

Source: BalticOI 2011 Day1 T3
Casper is designing an electronic circuit on a N×M rectangular grid plate. There are N×M square tiles that are aligned to the grid on the plate. Two (out of four) opposite corners of each tile are connected by a wire.


我:有一种正方形的电路元件,在它的两组相对顶点中,有一组会用导线连接起来,另一组则不会。有 N\times M 个这样的元件,你想将其排列成 N 行,每行 M 个。

人脑优化机翻的问题:plate →瓷砖。我其实也不会 plate 的准确翻译,因此为了译文清晰,我对译文做了大规模调整。

Source: BalticOI 2011 Day1 T4
If you are in line with the Viking ship (you are in the same vertical or horizontal line as the Viking ship with only sea between the Viking ship and you), you are dead.




you are in line with the Viking ship...

A be in line with B:A 与 B 相符/相一致。但是,在本题中显然得断开理解:A 和 B 在同一条直线上。你觉得不显然?注意一下原文里这句话后面的括号。

you are in the same vertical or horizontal line as the Viking ship with only sea between the Viking ship and you

you are in the same vertical or horizontal line:你和____在同一行或同一列
you are in the same vertical or horizontal line (as the Viking ship):你和维京船在同一行或同一列
you are ... with only sea (between the Viking ship and you):你...,在维京船和你之间只有海


Source: 洛谷 P4083 [USACO17DEC] A Pie for a Pie
Bessie and Elsie have each baked N pies (1 \leq N \leq 10^5). Each of the 2N pies has a tastiness value according to Bessie and a (possibly different) tastiness value according to Elsie. Bessie is thinking about giving one of her pies to Elsie. If Elsie receives a pie from Bessie, she will feel obligated to give one of her pies to Bessie. So as to not appear stingy nor flamboyant, Elsie will try to pick a pie that is at least as tasty (in Elsie's eyes) as the pie she received, but no more than D units tastier (0 \leq D \leq 10^9). Such a pie may not exist, in which case Elsie will adopt a pseudonym and exile herself to Japan.

But if Elsie does give Bessie a pie in return, Bessie will similarly try to give Elsie a pie which is at least as tasty but no more than D units tastier (in Bessie's eyes) as the pie Elsie just gave her. Should this be impossible, Bessie too will exile herself. Otherwise she will give her chosen pie to Elsie. This cycle will continue until one of the cows is exiled, an unhappy outcome, or one of the cows receives a pie which she accords a tastiness value of 0, in which case the gift exchange will end and both cows will be happy.

Note that a pie may not be gifted twice, nor can either cow return a pie gifted to her.

For each of the N pies Bessie could select as her initial gift to Elsie, determine the minimum number of pies that could possibly be gifted in the resulting exchange before the cows are happy.





Bessie 和 Elsie 各自烤了 N\:(1≤N≤10^5) 个馅饼。Bessie 会这 2N 个馅饼打分,Elsie 也会。二者的打分均为一个 \le 10^9 的非负整数。由于她们口味不同,每个馅饼的两个分数可能不同。
她们想互赠礼物。开始时,Bessie 送给 Elsie 一个馅饼。她们收到礼物(对方做的馅饼)后都会回赠对方一个自己做的馅饼。
她们选择回礼的方法相同。以 Elsie 为例,Elsie 根据自己的打分来选择回礼。回礼的分数至少要大于她收到的馅饼的分数,但两个馅饼的分数差不能大于 D\:(0≤D≤10^9) 。如果有多个馅饼满足要求,Elsie 可以选择其中的任意一个作为回礼。若没有馅饼满足要求,Elsie 会放弃。Bessie 选择回礼的方法同理。
她们之间的礼物交换将持续到一头牛放弃(Bad End),或一头牛收到一个她自己打分为 0 的馅饼,此时礼物交换愉快结束(Happy End)。
Bessie 想知道:对于每个她做的馅饼,如果她将这个馅饼作为最开始送给 Elsie 的礼物,她俩至少要互赠多少次馅饼(Bessie 给 Elsie 算一次,Elsie 回赠 Bessie 又算一次),才能 Happy End。如果不可能 Happy End,请输出 -1


Elsie will try to pick a pie that is at least as tasty (in Elsie's eyes) as the pie she received, but no more than D units tastier.

美味值不增加 D 单位 → 美味值增加不超过 D

But if Elsie does give Bessie a pie in return,

但如果Elsie不给Bessie回赠一个馅饼 → 但即使Elsie给Bessie回赠一个馅饼。强调句了解一下。

4 我翻译的原则:删繁就简

为什么要删繁就简?如果原题面需要 2 分钟阅读,而译者花 10 分钟,将其简化为 15 秒可以读完,这样便于自己理清题意,又能造福后来人的事情,何乐而不为呢?


Source: 洛谷 P3105 [USACO14OPEN] 公平的摄影 Fair Photography

FJ's N cows (2 ≤ N ≤ 100,000) are standing at various positions along a long one-dimensional fence. The ith cow is standing at position x_i (an integer in the range 0...1,000,000,000) and is either a plain white cow or a spotted cow. No two cows occupy the same position, and there is at least one white cow.

FJ wants to take a photo of a contiguous interval of cows for the county fair, but in fairness to his different cows, he wants to ensure there are equal numbers of white and spotted cows in the photo. FJ wants to determine the maximum size of such a fair photo, where the size of a photo is the difference between the maximum and minimum positions of the cows in the photo.

To give himself an even better chance of taking a larger photo, FJ has with him a bucket of paint that he can use to paint spots on an arbitrary subset of his white cows of his choosing, effectively turning them into spotted cows. Please determine the largest size of a fair photo FJ can take, given that FJ has the option of painting some of his white cows (of course, he does not need to paint any of the white cows if he decides this is better).

机翻:FJ 的 N 头牛 (2≤N≤10^5) 站在一个长长的一维围栏的不同位置。第 i 头牛站在 x_i010^9 范围内的一个整数),既可以是纯白色的母牛,也可以是有斑点的母牛。没有两头母牛占据相同的位置,并且至少有一头白色的母牛。
FJ 想为县会拍摄一头连续的奶牛照片,但为了公平地对待他的不同的奶牛,他想确保照片中有相同数量的白色和斑点的奶牛。FJ 想要确定这张照片的最大尺寸,照片的尺寸是照片中母牛的最大和最小位置之间的差异。
为了给自己拍一张更大的照片更好的机会,FJ 给了他一桶油漆,他可以用它来绘制他选择的任意一组白色牛的斑点,有效地将它们变成斑点的牛。请确定 FJ 可以拍摄的最大尺寸的照片,因为 FJ 可以选择画一些白色的奶牛(当然,如果他决定这样做更好,他不需要画任何白色奶牛)。

在数轴上有 N 头牛,第 i 头牛位于 x_i\:(0\le x_i\le 10^9) 。没有两头牛位于同一位置。

Source: P4186 [USACO18JAN] Cow at Large (Gold)

Cornered at last, Bessie has gone to ground in a remote farm. The farm consists of N barns ( 2 \leq N \leq 10^5 ) and N-1 bidirectional tunnels between barns, so that there is a unique path between every pair of barns. Every barn which has only one tunnel is an exit. When morning comes, Bessie will surface at some barn and attempt to reach an exit.

But the moment Bessie surfaces, the law will be able to pinpoint her location. Some farmers will then start at various exit barns, and attempt to catch Bessie. The farmers move at the same speed as Bessie (so in each time step, each farmer can move from one barn to an adjacent barn). The farmers know where Bessie is at all times, and Bessie knows where the farmers are at all times. The farmers catch Bessie if at any instant a farmer is in the same barn as Bessie, or crossing the same tunnel as Bessie. Conversely, Bessie escapes if she reaches an exit barn before any farms catch her.

Bessie is unsure about her chances of success, which depends on the number of farmers that the law is able to deploy. Given that Bessie surfaces at barn KK , help Bessie determine the minimum number of farmers who would be needed to catch Bessie, assuming that the farmers distribute themselves optimally among the exit barns.


最后,Bessie被迫去了一个远方的农场。这个农场包含 N 个谷仓(2 \le N \le 10^5)和 N-1 条连接两个谷仓的双向隧道,所以每两个谷仓之间都有唯一的路径。每个只与一条隧道相连的谷仓都是农场的出口。当早晨来临的时候,Bessie将在某个谷仓露面,然后试图到达一个出口。




在一棵有 N\:(2\le N\le 10^5) 个结点的无根树中,贝茜位于结点 K


Source: [IPSC 2016] C – Counting swaps

Just like yesterday (in problem U of the practice session), Bob is busy, so Alice keeps on playing some single-player games and puzzles. In her newest puzzle she has a permutation of numbers from 1 to n. The goal of the puzzle is to sort the permutation using the smallest possible number of swaps.

Instead of simply solving the puzzle, Alice is wondering about the probability of winning it just by playing at random. In order to answer this question, she needs to know the number of optimal solutions to her puzzle.

You are given a permutation p_1, \dots, p_n of the numbers 1 through n. In each step you can choose two numbers x<y and swap p_x with p_y.

Let m be the minimum number of such swaps needed to sort the given permutation. Compute the number of different sequences of exactly m swaps that sort the given permutation. Since this number may be large, compute it modulo 10^9+9.

@LJC00118 的靠谱翻译然而又双叒叕被管理员咕了
给定你一个 1 \sim n 的排列 \{p_i\},可进行若干次操作,每次选择两个整数 x,y,交换 p_x,p_y

如果要用最少的操作次数将给定排列变成单调上升的序列 1,2,\ldots,n,有多少种方案呢?请输出方案数对 10^9+9 取模的结果。

Source: [CodeForces 460C] Present

Little beaver is a beginner programmer, so informatics is his favorite subject. Soon his informatics teacher is going to have a birthday and the beaver has decided to prepare a present for her. He planted n flowers in a row on his windowsill and started waiting for them to grow. However, after some time the beaver noticed that the flowers stopped growing. The beaver thinks it is bad manners to present little flowers. So he decided to come up with some solutions.

There are m days left to the birthday. The height of the i -th flower (assume that the flowers in the row are numbered from 1 to n from left to right) is equal to a_{i} at the moment. At each of the remaining m days the beaver can take a special watering and water w contiguous flowers (he can do that only once at a day). At that each watered flower grows by one height unit on that day. The beaver wants the height of the smallest flower be as large as possible in the end. What maximum height of the smallest flower can he get?

@ACの666 的靠谱翻译:
一个长度为 n 的序列 a ,你有 m 次操作的机会,每次操作是将其中连续的 w 个元素增加 1 。试求:最终序列的最小值至多为多少。

1 \leq w \leq n \leq 10 ^ 5,1 \leq m \leq 10^5

5 怎样在打 CF/ARC 时快速审题

根据洛谷平均水平,假设您有初二或以上的英语水平,主要参加 CodeForces Div.2 或 Atcoder Regular Contest ,并且 CF Div.2 只能做前三/四题,ARC 只能做前两题。(如果您能 CF 紫名了您的读题速度肯定差不到哪儿去)


  1. 机翻不一定靠谱,但是谷歌翻译的译文已经差强人意(差强人意:勉强使人满意)了。
  2. 但译文有时会有一两个句子很奇怪,这时还得靠原文。
  3. 有了中文打底,读原文会容易一些。
  4. 但如果英语水平不够,可能仍然会对某些句子一脸懵逼。最好的方法是看样例。

Update: 这两篇文章介绍的读题方法比我讲的好多了