
P5690 [CSP-S2019 江西] 日期

这样做有反例 比如"04-31" "06-31"需要改1次,但是输出只会输出0
by _3247535661_ @ 2024-02-02 14:02:11

by _3247535661_ @ 2024-02-02 14:03:34

by ZBXALQX @ 2024-02-02 14:04:20

``` #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int month,day; int main(){ string a; cin>>a; month=int(a[0]-'0')*10+int(a[1]-'0'); day=int(a[3]-'0')*10+int(a[4]-'0'); if(day>0 and day<=28){ if(month>0 and month<=12)cout<<0; else cout<<1; } else if(day==29 or day==30){ if(month==2 or month==0 or month>12)cout<<1; else cout<<0; } else if(day==31){ if(month==1 or month==3 or month==5 or month==7 or month==8 or month==10 or month==12)cout<<0; else if(month==2 or month==4 or month==6 or month==9 or month==11 or (month>=13 and month<=19))cout<<1; else if(month%10==4 or month%10==6 or month%10==9)cout<<2; else cout<<1; } else if(month==0 or month>12)cout<<2; else cout<<1; return 0; } 多加几个判断条件就行了
by _3247535661_ @ 2024-02-02 14:17:02

@[_3247535661_](/user/1040109) 谢谢,已关
by jiangyunuo @ 2024-02-02 14:23:01
