MnZn 求助卡常

P7883 平面最近点对(加强加强版)

Nt_Tsumiki @ 2024-02-21 14:51:18

写的 KDT,被卡了

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>

#define int long long

namespace Octane {
    //non terrae plus ultra dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define OCTANE // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define BUFFER_SIZE 100000 // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define ll long long // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define db double // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define ldb long double // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    char ibuf[100000], obuf[100000], *p1=ibuf,*p2=ibuf,*p3=obuf;
    #ifdef ONLINE_JUDGE//dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define getchar() ((p1==p2) and (p2=(p1=ibuf)+fread(ibuf,1,\
    BUFFER_SIZE,stdin),p1==p2)?(EOF):(*p1++)) // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define putchar(x) ((p3==obuf+BUFFER_SIZE) && (fwrite(obuf,\
    p3-obuf,1,stdout),p3=obuf),*p3++=x) // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #endif// fread in OJ, getchar in local dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define isdigit(ch) (ch>47&&ch<58)//dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define isspace(ch) (ch<=32&&ch!=EOF)//dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define isseen(ch) (ch>32) // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    struct Octane_t{~Octane_t(){fwrite(obuf,p3-obuf, 1, stdout);
    }bool flag=false;operator bool(){return flag;} }io; template
    <typename T>inline T read(){T s=0; int w = 1; char ch; while
    (ch=getchar(), !isdigit(ch)&&(ch!=EOF))if(ch == '-') w = -1;
    if(ch == EOF) return 0; while(isdigit(ch)) s = s*10+ch-48,ch
    =getchar(); return s *= w; } template<typename T>inline bool
    read(T &s) { s = 0; int w = 1; char ch; while(ch = getchar()
    ,!isdigit(ch)&&(ch!=EOF))if(ch == '-') w = -1; if(ch == EOF)
    return false;while(isdigit(ch))s = s*10+ch-48, ch=getchar();
    return s*=w,true;}inline bool read(char &s){while(s= getchar
    (), isspace(s)); return s != EOF; } inline bool read(char *s
    ){char ch=getchar();while(isspace(ch))ch= getchar();if(ch ==
    EOF)return false;while(isseen(ch)) *s++ = ch, ch= getchar();
    *s='\000';return true;}template<typename T> void printv(T a)
    {if(a== 0){ putchar('0'); return void(); }static char st[65]
    ; int top = 0; if (a < 0) putchar ('-'), a = - a; while(a)st
    [++top]='0'+a%10,a/=10;while(top)putchar(st[top--]);} inline
    void printv(char c){putchar(c);}inline void printv(char *s){
    for(int i=0;s[i];i++)putchar(s[i]);}inline void printv(const
    char *s){ for(int i=0;s[i];i++) putchar(s[i]); } inline void
    printv(bool a){ if(a != 0)putchar('1'); else putchar('0'); }
    #ifdef _GLIBCXX_STRING // support for string dqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    inline bool read(std::string& s) { s = ""; char ch; while(ch
    =getchar(), isspace(ch)); if(ch == EOF) return false; while(
    !isspace(ch)) s+=ch,ch=getchar(); return true; } inline bool
    getline(Octane_t &io,std::string s){s="";char ch= getchar();
    if(ch==EOF)return false;while(ch!='\n' and ch !=EOF)s+=ch,ch
    =getchar();return true;}inline void printv(const std::string
    &a){for(auto i = a.begin(); i != a.end(); ++i) putchar(*i);}
    #endif// dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    template<typename T>inline void print(const char *p,T first)
    { int n = strlen(p) - 1; for(int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { if(p[
    i] == '`') { putchar(p[++ i]); continue; } else if ( p[i] ==
    '{'){printv(first); i++; continue; } else putchar(p[i]); } }
    #if __cplusplus >= 201103L // support for many values dqrdqr
    template<typename T,typename... T1>inline int read(T& a, T1&
    ...other){return read(a)+read(other...); } inline void print
    (const char *p) { printv(p); }template<typename T1, typename
    ... T2>void print(const char*p, T1 first, T2 ...other) { int
    n=strlen(p)-1; for(int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { if(p[i] == '`')
    {putchar(p[++i]);continue;}else if(p[i]=='{'){printv(first);
    print(p+i+2,other...);return void();}else putchar(p[i]); } }
    #endif // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdq
    template <typename T> Octane_t& operator >> (Octane_t &io, T
    &b){return io.flag=read(b),io;}Octane_t& operator>>(Octane_t
    &io, char *b){return io.flag=read(b), io;} template<typename
    T>Octane_t&operator<<(Octane_t&io,T b){return printv(b),io;}
    #define cout io// dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define cin io // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define endl '\n' // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #undef ll// dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #undef db// dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #undef ldb//dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
} using namespace Octane;
using namespace std;
int n,x[400001],y[400001];

struct KD_tree {
    #define N 400001
    #define INF 1e18

    struct Point;
    struct Tree;

    int tcnt,rubcnt,flatcnt,rt,rub[N];
    bool flag;

    struct Point {
        int c[2];

        int operator[](int x) { return c[x]; }
        void operator=(Tree tr) { c[0]=tr[0],c[1]=tr[1]; }

    struct Tree {
        int ls,rs,c[2],maxn[2],minn[2];

        int operator[](int x) { return c[x]; }
        void operator=(Point poi) { c[0]=poi[0],c[1]=poi[1],ls=rs=maxn[0]=maxn[1]=minn[0]=minn[1]=0; }

    void upd(int x) {
        for (int i:{0,1}) {
            if (t[x].ls)
            if (t[x].rs)

    void build(int &x,int l,int r,int d) {
        x=rub[rubcnt--]; int mid=(l+r)>>1;
        nth_element(flat_p+l,flat_p+mid,flat_p+r+1,[d](Point p1,Point p2){ return p1[d]<p2[d]; });
        if (l<mid) build(t[x].ls,l,mid-1,d^1);
        if (r>mid) build(t[x].rs,mid+1,r,d^1);

    int ndis;

    int dis(Tree tr,Point poi) { return (tr[0]-poi[0])*(tr[0]-poi[0])+(tr[1]-poi[1])*(tr[1]-poi[1]); }

    int __ndis(Tree tr,Point poi) {
        int res=0;
        if (tr.minn[0]<=poi[0] and poi[0]<=tr.maxn[0]) res+=0;
        else res+=min((tr.maxn[0]-poi[0])*(tr.maxn[0]-poi[0]),(tr.minn[0]-poi[0])*(tr.minn[0]-poi[0]));
        if (tr.minn[1]<=poi[1] and poi[1]<=tr.maxn[1]) res+=0;
        else res+=min((tr.maxn[1]-poi[1])*(tr.maxn[1]-poi[1]),(tr.minn[1]-poi[1])*(tr.minn[1]-poi[1]));
        return res;

    void askn(int x,Point poi) {
        if (!x) return;
        if ((t[x][0]!=poi[0] or t[x][1]!=poi[1]) or flag) ndis=min(ndis,dis(t[x],poi));
        else flag=1;
        int disls=__ndis(t[t[x].ls],poi),disrs=__ndis(t[t[x].rs],poi);
        if (disls<disrs and disls<ndis) {
            if (disrs<ndis) askn(t[x].rs,poi);
        } else if (disrs<=disls and disrs<ndis) {
            if (disls<ndis) askn(t[x].ls,poi);

    void init() { for (int i=1;i<N;i++) rub[++rubcnt]=i; }
    void ins(int x,int y) { flat_p[++flatcnt]=Point{x,y}; }
    void build() { build(rt,1,flatcnt,0); }
    int askn(int x,int y) { ndis=INF,flag=0; askn(rt,Point{x,y}); return ndis; }

    #undef INF
    #undef N

signed main() {
    cin>>n; t.init();
    for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) {
    int ans=1e18;
    for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) ans=min(ans,t.askn(x[i],y[i]));
    return 0;

by int_R @ 2024-02-21 15:29:23


by Nt_Tsumiki @ 2024-02-21 15:56:27

@int_R 主要是有人用 kdt 过去了(

by Nt_Tsumiki @ 2024-02-21 15:56:53


by Estelle_N @ 2024-02-21 16:01:48

@Nt_Tsumiki 你别 #define int long long

by Nt_Tsumiki @ 2024-02-21 16:03:13

@Estelle_N 彳亍

by Estelle_N @ 2024-02-21 16:14:47

@Nt_Tsumiki 145pts了

by Nt_Tsumiki @ 2024-02-21 16:15:58




#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>

namespace Octane {
    //non terrae plus ultra dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define OCTANE // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define BUFFER_SIZE 100000 // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define ll long long // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define db double // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define ldb long double // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    char ibuf[100000], obuf[100000], *p1=ibuf,*p2=ibuf,*p3=obuf;
    #ifdef ONLINE_JUDGE//dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define getchar() ((p1==p2) and (p2=(p1=ibuf)+fread(ibuf,1,\
    BUFFER_SIZE,stdin),p1==p2)?(EOF):(*p1++)) // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define putchar(x) ((p3==obuf+BUFFER_SIZE) && (fwrite(obuf,\
    p3-obuf,1,stdout),p3=obuf),*p3++=x) // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #endif// fread in OJ, getchar in local dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define isdigit(ch) (ch>47&&ch<58)//dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define isspace(ch) (ch<=32&&ch!=EOF)//dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define isseen(ch) (ch>32) // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    struct Octane_t{~Octane_t(){fwrite(obuf,p3-obuf, 1, stdout);
    }bool flag=false;operator bool(){return flag;} }io; template
    <typename T>inline T read(){T s=0; int w = 1; char ch; while
    (ch=getchar(), !isdigit(ch)&&(ch!=EOF))if(ch == '-') w = -1;
    if(ch == EOF) return 0; while(isdigit(ch)) s = s*10+ch-48,ch
    =getchar(); return s *= w; } template<typename T>inline bool
    read(T &s) { s = 0; int w = 1; char ch; while(ch = getchar()
    ,!isdigit(ch)&&(ch!=EOF))if(ch == '-') w = -1; if(ch == EOF)
    return false;while(isdigit(ch))s = s*10+ch-48, ch=getchar();
    return s*=w,true;}inline bool read(char &s){while(s= getchar
    (), isspace(s)); return s != EOF; } inline bool read(char *s
    ){char ch=getchar();while(isspace(ch))ch= getchar();if(ch ==
    EOF)return false;while(isseen(ch)) *s++ = ch, ch= getchar();
    *s='\000';return true;}template<typename T> void printv(T a)
    {if(a== 0){ putchar('0'); return void(); }static char st[65]
    ; int top = 0; if (a < 0) putchar ('-'), a = - a; while(a)st
    [++top]='0'+a%10,a/=10;while(top)putchar(st[top--]);} inline
    void printv(char c){putchar(c);}inline void printv(char *s){
    for(int i=0;s[i];i++)putchar(s[i]);}inline void printv(const
    char *s){ for(int i=0;s[i];i++) putchar(s[i]); } inline void
    printv(bool a){ if(a != 0)putchar('1'); else putchar('0'); }
    #ifdef _GLIBCXX_STRING // support for string dqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    inline bool read(std::string& s) { s = ""; char ch; while(ch
    =getchar(), isspace(ch)); if(ch == EOF) return false; while(
    !isspace(ch)) s+=ch,ch=getchar(); return true; } inline bool
    getline(Octane_t &io,std::string s){s="";char ch= getchar();
    if(ch==EOF)return false;while(ch!='\n' and ch !=EOF)s+=ch,ch
    =getchar();return true;}inline void printv(const std::string
    &a){for(auto i = a.begin(); i != a.end(); ++i) putchar(*i);}
    #endif// dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    template<typename T>inline void print(const char *p,T first)
    { int n = strlen(p) - 1; for(int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { if(p[
    i] == '`') { putchar(p[++ i]); continue; } else if ( p[i] ==
    '{'){printv(first); i++; continue; } else putchar(p[i]); } }
    #if __cplusplus >= 201103L // support for many values dqrdqr
    template<typename T,typename... T1>inline int read(T& a, T1&
    ...other){return read(a)+read(other...); } inline void print
    (const char *p) { printv(p); }template<typename T1, typename
    ... T2>void print(const char*p, T1 first, T2 ...other) { int
    n=strlen(p)-1; for(int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { if(p[i] == '`')
    {putchar(p[++i]);continue;}else if(p[i]=='{'){printv(first);
    print(p+i+2,other...);return void();}else putchar(p[i]); } }
    #endif // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdq
    template <typename T> Octane_t& operator >> (Octane_t &io, T
    &b){return io.flag=read(b),io;}Octane_t& operator>>(Octane_t
    &io, char *b){return io.flag=read(b), io;} template<typename
    T>Octane_t&operator<<(Octane_t&io,T b){return printv(b),io;}
    #define cout io// dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define cin io // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #define endl '\n' // dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #undef ll// dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #undef db// dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
    #undef ldb//dqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqrdqr
} using namespace Octane;
using namespace std;
int n,x[400001],y[400001];

struct KD_tree {
    #define N 400001
    #define INF 1e18

    struct Point;
    struct Tree;

    int tcnt,flatcnt,rt;

    struct Point {
        long long c[2];

        long long operator[](int x) { return c[x]; }
        void operator=(Tree tr) { c[0]=tr[0],c[1]=tr[1]; }

    struct Tree {
        int ls,rs;
        int c[2],maxn[2],minn[2];

        int operator[](int x) { return c[x]; }
        void operator=(Point poi) { c[0]=poi[0],c[1]=poi[1]; }

    void upd(int x) {
        if (t[x].ls)
        if (t[x].rs)

    void build(int &x,int l,int r,int d) {
        x=++tcnt; int mid=(l+r)>>1;
        nth_element(flat_p+l,flat_p+mid,flat_p+r+1,[d](Point p1,Point p2){ return p1[d]<p2[d]; });
        if (l<mid) build(t[x].ls,l,mid-1,d^1);
        if (r>mid) build(t[x].rs,mid+1,r,d^1);

    long long ndis;

    inline long long min(long long x,long long y) { return x<y?x:y; }
    inline long long max(long long x,long long y) { return x>y?x:y; }
    inline long long dis(Tree tr,Point poi) { return (tr[0]-poi[0])*(tr[0]-poi[0])+(tr[1]-poi[1])*(tr[1]-poi[1]); }

    inline long long __ndis(Tree tr,Point poi) {
        return (tr.minn[0]<=poi[0] and poi[0]<=tr.maxn[0]?0:min((tr.maxn[0]-poi[0])*(tr.maxn[0]-poi[0]),(tr.minn[0]-poi[0])*(tr.minn[0]-poi[0])))
            +(tr.minn[1]<=poi[1] and poi[1]<=tr.maxn[1]?0:min((tr.maxn[1]-poi[1])*(tr.maxn[1]-poi[1]),(tr.minn[1]-poi[1])*(tr.minn[1]-poi[1])));

    void askn(int x,Point poi) {
        if (!x) return;
        if (t[x][0]!=poi[0] or t[x][1]!=poi[1]) ndis=min(ndis,dis(t[x],poi));
        long long disls=t[x].ls?__ndis(t[t[x].ls],poi):INF,disrs=t[x].rs?__ndis(t[t[x].rs],poi):INF;
        if (disls<disrs and disls<ndis) {
            if (disrs<ndis) askn(t[x].rs,poi);
        } else if (disrs<=disls and disrs<ndis) {
            if (disls<ndis) askn(t[x].ls,poi);

    void ins(int x,int y) { flat_p[++flatcnt]=Point{x,y}; }
    void build() { build(rt,1,flatcnt,0); }
    long long askn(int x,int y) { ndis=INF; askn(rt,Point{x,y}); return ndis; }

    #undef INF
    #undef N

signed main() {
    for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) {
    long long ans=1e18;
    for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) ans=min(ans,t.askn(x[i],y[i]));
    return 0;

by Nt_Tsumiki @ 2024-02-21 16:23:20

@Estelle_N 论 if (clock() * 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC >= 0.34) break; 为什么是神

by Estelle_N @ 2024-02-21 16:25:51

@Nt_Tsumiki 啥呀 我代码也没有这句话吧

by Nt_Tsumiki @ 2024-02-21 16:26:37

@Estelle_N 不是我是指加上它就过了(

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