
P4114 Qtree1

@[yjf1225](/user/1069395) 就加个判断就行了啊
by Enoch006 @ 2024-03-15 21:01:20

@[yjf1225](/user/1069395) 放学了,要不明天调(
by Enoch006 @ 2024-03-15 21:02:31

@[Enoch006](/user/538683) ok
by yjf1225 @ 2024-03-15 21:05:08

@[Enoch006](/user/538683) 重构了一下代码,终于过了: ```cpp #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<cstring> using namespace std; namespace fast_IO { #define FASTIO #define IOSIZE 100000 char ibuf[IOSIZE], obuf[IOSIZE]; char *p1 = ibuf, *p2 = ibuf, *p3 = obuf; #ifdef ONLINE_JUDGE #define getchar() ((p1==p2)and(p2=(p1=ibuf)+fread(ibuf,1,IOSIZE,stdin),p1==p2)?(EOF):(*p1++)) #define putchar(x) ((p3==obuf+IOSIZE)&&(fwrite(obuf,p3-obuf,1,stdout),p3=obuf),*p3++=x) #endif//fread in OJ, stdio in local #define isdigit(ch) (ch>47&&ch<58) #define isspace(ch) (ch<33) template<typename T> inline T read() { T s = 0; int w = 1; char ch; while (ch = getchar(), !isdigit(ch) and (ch != EOF)) if (ch == '-') w = -1; if (ch == EOF) return false; while (isdigit(ch)) s = s * 10 + ch - 48, ch = getchar(); return s * w; } template<typename T> inline bool read(T &s) { s = 0; int w = 1; char ch; while (ch = getchar(), !isdigit(ch) and (ch != EOF)) if (ch == '-') w = -1; if (ch == EOF) return false; while (isdigit(ch)) s = s * 10 + ch - 48, ch = getchar(); return s *= w, true; } inline bool read(char &s) { while (s = getchar(), isspace(s)); return true; } inline bool read(char *s) { char ch; while (ch = getchar(), isspace(ch)); if (ch == EOF) return false; while (!isspace(ch)) *s++ = ch, ch = getchar(); *s = '\000'; return true; } template<typename T> inline void print(T x) { if (x < 0) putchar('-'), x = -x; if (x > 9) print(x / 10); putchar(x % 10 + 48); } inline void print(char x) { putchar(x); } inline void print(char *x) { while (*x) putchar(*x++); } inline void print(const char *x) { for (int i = 0; x[i]; i++) putchar(x[i]); } #ifdef _GLIBCXX_STRING inline bool read(std::string& s) { s = ""; char ch; while (ch = getchar(), isspace(ch)); if (ch == EOF) return false; while (!isspace(ch)) s += ch, ch = getchar(); return true; } inline void print(std::string x) { for (int i = 0, n = x.size(); i < n; i++) putchar(x[i]); } #endif//string template<typename T, typename... T1> inline int read(T& a, T1&... other) { return read(a) + read(other...); } template<typename T, typename... T1> inline void print(T a, T1... other) { print(a); print(other...); } struct Fast_IO { ~Fast_IO() { fwrite(obuf, p3 - obuf, 1, stdout); } } io; template<typename T> Fast_IO& operator >> (Fast_IO &io, T &b) { return read(b), io; } template<typename T> Fast_IO& operator << (Fast_IO &io, T b) { return print(b), io; } #define cout io #define cin io #define endl '\n' } using namespace fast_IO; namespace akioi{ const int N=1e5+10; const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f; int n; int h[N],ne[2*N],e[2*N],w[2*N],o[2*N],idx; int dfn[N],sa[N],idx_dfn,sa2[N]; int dep[N],sz[N],maxx[N],g[N],top[N],fa[N]; struct node{ int maxx,sum; }tree[4*N]; void add(int x,int y,int z,int k){ e[++idx]=y; w[idx]=z; o[idx]=k; ne[idx]=h[x]; h[x]=idx; } void up(int k){ tree[k].sum=tree[2*k].sum+tree[2*k+1].sum; tree[k].maxx=max(tree[2*k].maxx,tree[2*k+1].maxx); } void build(int k,int l,int r){ if(l==r){ tree[k].sum=tree[k].maxx=dfn[l]; return ; } int mid=(l+r)>>1; build(2*k,l,mid); build(2*k+1,mid+1,r); up(k); } void modify(int k,int l,int r,int L,int d){ if(r<L || L<l) return ; if(l==r){ tree[k].sum=tree[k].maxx=d; return ; } int mid=(l+r)>>1; modify(2*k,l,mid,L,d); modify(2*k+1,mid+1,r,L,d); up(k); } int query1(int k,int l,int r,int L,int R){ if(r<L || R<l) return -INF; if(L<=l && r<=R){ return tree[k].maxx; } int mid=(l+r)>>1; return max(query1(2*k,l,mid,L,R),query1(2*k+1,mid+1,r,L,R)); } int query2(int k,int l,int r,int L,int R){ if(r<L || R<l) return 0; if(L<=l && r<=R){ return tree[k].sum; } int mid=(l+r)>>1; return query2(2*k,l,mid,L,R)+query2(2*k+1,mid+1,r,L,R); } void dfs(int u,int last,int deep){ dep[u]=deep; sz[u]=1; for(int i=h[u];i!=-1;i=ne[i]){ if(e[i]!=last){ dfs(e[i],u,deep+1); fa[e[i]]=u; sz[u]+=sz[e[i]]; if(sz[e[i]]>=maxx[u]){ maxx[u]=sz[e[i]]; g[u]=i; } } } } void dfs2(int u,int last,int tp,int tmp){ // cout<<"???"<<u<<' '<<tp<<'\n'; sa2[o[tmp]]=u; dfn[++idx_dfn]=w[tmp]; sa[u]=idx_dfn; top[u]=tp; if(g[u]!=0) dfs2(e[g[u]],u,tp,g[u]); for(int i=h[u];i!=-1;i=ne[i]){ if(e[i]!=last && i!=g[u]){ dfs2(e[i],u,e[i],i); } } } int query_max(int x,int y){ int maxx=-INF; while(top[x]!=top[y]){ if(dep[top[x]]>dep[top[y]]){ maxx=max(maxx,query1(1,1,n,sa[top[x]],sa[x])); x=fa[top[x]]; } else{ maxx=max(maxx,query1(1,1,n,sa[top[y]],sa[y])); y=fa[top[y]]; } } if(dep[x]>dep[y]){ maxx=max(maxx,query1(1,1,n,sa[y]+1,sa[x])); // cout<<"DDD"<<sa[y]<<' '<<sa[x]<<'\n'; } else{ maxx=max(maxx,query1(1,1,n,sa[x]+1,sa[y])); // cout<<"FFF"<<x<<'\n'; } return maxx; } int query_sum(int x,int y){ int ans=0; while(top[x]!=top[y]){ if(dep[top[x]]>dep[top[y]]){ ans+=query2(1,1,n,sa[top[x]],sa[x]); x=fa[top[x]]; } else{ ans+=query2(1,1,n,sa[top[y]],sa[y]); y=fa[top[y]]; } } if(dep[x]>dep[y]){ ans+=query2(1,1,n,sa[y]+1,sa[x]); } else{ ans+=query2(1,1,n,sa[x]+1,sa[y]); } return ans; } int main(){ memset(h,-1,sizeof(h)); int m; io>>n>>m; // scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); int x,y,z; for(int i=1;i<n;i++){ // scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&z); io>>x>>y>>z; add(x,y,z,i); add(y,x,z,i); } // cout<<"!!!"; dfs(1,-1,1); // cout<<"!!!"; dfs2(1,-1,1,0); // cout<<"!!!"; build(1,1,n); int op; for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){ io>>op; // scanf("%d",&op); if(op==0){ io>>x>>y; // cin>>x>>y; modify(1,1,n,sa[sa2[x]],y); // cout<<sa[sa2[x]]<<'\n'; } else{ io>>x>>y; // cin>>x>>y; if(x==y) io<<"-1\n"; //printf("-1\n"); else{ int tmp=query_max(x,y); io<<tmp<<'\n'; // printf("%d\n",tmp); } } } return 0; } } signed main(){ return akioi::main(); } ```
by yjf1225 @ 2024-03-16 16:28:02

@[yjf1225](/user/1069395) 你哪儿错了啊qwq
by Enoch006 @ 2024-03-16 16:36:52

@[Enoch006](/user/538683) 之前我写的太复杂了,就重构了一下代码
by yjf1225 @ 2024-03-16 19:30:36

by yjf1225 @ 2024-03-16 19:31:38

by Enoch006 @ 2024-03-16 19:32:47

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