zzhcn @ 2024-09-24 16:21:09
a = input() a1 = a.split(',') print(a1) n = 0 for i in a1: if 6 < len(i) < 12: if '$' in i or '!' in i or '@' in i or '#' in i: for j in i: if int(ord('a')) < int(ord(j)) < int(ord('z')): n += 1 elif int(ord('A')) < int(ord(j)) < int(ord('Z')): n += 1 elif int(ord('0')) < int(ord(j)) < int(ord('9')): n += 1 if n > 2: print(i) continue else: continue
by _chicken_ @ 2024-09-24 16:24:56
希望更丰富的展现?使用 Markdown、KaTeX。
by Kagami_sama @ 2024-09-26 18:00:58
a = input()
a1 = a.split(',')
for i in a1:
st = [0, 0, 0]
is1 = False
is2 = True
if 6 <= len(i) <= 12:
for j in i:
if int(ord('a')) < int(ord(j)) < int(ord('z')):
st[0] = 1
elif int(ord('A')) < int(ord(j)) < int(ord('Z')):
st[1] = 1
elif int(ord('0')) < int(ord(j)) < int(ord('9')):
st[2] = 1
elif j in '!@#$':
is1 = True
is2 = False
if sum(st) > 1 and is1 and is2:
by Kagami_sama @ 2024-09-27 09:27:30
string = input()
passwds = string.split(',')
a = ord('a')
z = ord('z')
A = ord('A')
Z = ord('Z')
num0 = ord('0')
num9 = ord('9')
for passwd in passwds:
st = [0, 0, 0]
is1 = False
is2 = True
if 6 <= len(passwd) <= 12:
for item in passwd:
ASCII = ord(item)
if a <= ASCII <= z:
st[0] = 1
elif A <= ASCII <= Z:
st[1] = 1
elif num0 <= ASCII <= num9:
st[2] = 1
elif item in '!@#$':
is1 = True
is2 = False
if sum(st) > 1 and is1 and is2: